
2018 End of Year Wish List

Enriching our parish and school ministries through specific gifts is an amazing way to grow in holiness and build our church.  We would never want to replace your regular, ongoing support of our parish with these wish list items but we welcome your grateful generosity!

General Parish Needs

 Built-In Video Projection in St. Joseph’s Hall to serve our programs, ministries, special events, and Mass overflow. Help us catch up to this technology and better serve our ministries! St. John’s is often host to Archdiocesan meetings, and enhanced audio/visual capabilities would make us an even more welcoming parish! Full package of 4 built-in projectors & screens with enhanced sound system integration: $26,000.

Upgrades to Parish Center Wi-Fi; New Server Storage Units.  We need to reconfigure our existing wireless internet setup and add several access points to ensure secure and reliable reception for staff, parishioners, and our many guests.  Additionally, our network servers are full; replace units with higher capacity servers: $6,200.

Capital Reserve Fund. This fund supports the many needs of maintaining and improving our building and its mechanical operations. If you like heat in the winter and AC in the summer and an attractive campus, your gifts here support our campus! This fund supports ongoing repairs and improvements, including rectory gutters and other building upgrades. It can also support additions to our campus such as a marquee sign, rebuilding our brick flowerbeds, and purchasing maintenance equipment and vehicles. Contact Bret Sutton or Mark Dittman with questions on specific projects.

Debt Elimination. Consider an extra gift this year to further our goal of eliminating our parish debt, currently around $350,000.  Please consider a special gift in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the New Church Edifice.

Office of Discipleship & Mission

 Missionary discipleship conferences for two consecutive weeks in July; cost for four attendees: $5,500

Evangelical Catholic training for customized coaching and online learning. The Evangelical Catholic has been working nationally to support parishes and form missionary disciples since the early 1990s: $3,000

ODM PR Materials, such as 6 table cloths with logos printed on them ($1000), small laminator ($100), 500-sheet paper cutter ($75), turning any space into a functioning space to gather, speak, and teach. $1,325

Cash gifts of any amount for updated book and DVD selections for Sunday School and Family Formation; new Christian toys and puzzles for the Nursery and Sunday School; an Advent Wreath for Sunday School; Advent candles for a new large wreath for RCIA. ~$100.

Youth Room: could use new carpeting, sound proofing, better audio visual and security cameras:  $12,500

St. John the Baptist School Needs

 2 iPads for preschool and school parent and student sign-in: ($309 each) $618

Swim shirts for J-Care for their summer weekly swim outings. These shirts will help staff and other identify J-Care students quickly as well as assist in protecting them from the sun. Cost for 50 shirts: ($30 each) $1,500

Sensory and fine motor aids to assist students with special accommodations in need of these types of support: $500

Preschool items, such as large motor (scooters and tricycles), outdoor sandbox, kitchen sets, art easels, and speakers for computers: $500

Office of Worship to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the New Church Edifice

Hearing Loop for the Church Nave for anyone who has an existing hearing aid with a telecoil and/or for those whose hearing is compromised and would like to hear clearly. The loop is a wire connected to our church’s sound system that transmits the sound electromagnetically, thus boosting a hearing aid’s ability: $7,500.

New church sound system to replace with a new state of the art option as our current system is over 22 years old : $145,000.

Please note: costs listed above are estimates; actual costs may be more or less than the amount listed. Please know that any designated donations remaining after project completion will be re-designated to another prioritized purpose. Thank you!