By Fr. Paul Shovelain
Christmas is just a week away! Are you ready? Come receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Sunday at 3:30 PM in the church. We will have 12 priests ready to offer you the mercy and love of God! We will be using the hall as well to maintain social distancing. We also have additional times scheduled for this important Sacrament as it allows you to more fully receive him into your heart and mind. See the schedule of events for the additional times.
I want to take a moment to thank all of our volunteers who have stepped up in a variety of ways recently, from helping with the sock drive to the parking lot adoration to the drive-thru Anointings to organizing the donations for the Angel Tree to decorating the church. Thank you for living out of a generous spirit and helping us continue to bring hope to our hurting world. It is truly inspiring to see your courage and faithfulness. Be assured of my prayers and gratitude for you.
We are preparing for our beautiful Christmas liturgies. They will look a little different this year as we continue to have limited seating. We are preparing to have overflow seating in the hall and the school cafeteria if necessary. Thank you for your patience in advance. If you are able to volunteer to help as an usher or greeter, please contact Rita Arndofer at We do plan on live-streaming all of our Masses so you can join us for any of them virtually.
Tonight is our 3rd and final night for outdoor adoration in our North Parking Lot. Please join us as we adore Jesus in the Eucharist. He is the bringer of hope! We are planning on live-streaming the event as well, but please join us in your vehicle if you are able. See the information below for the details.