By Fr. Paul Shovelain
Tomorrow we celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus as it is the 2nd Friday after Pentecost. We ask the mercy of God to be poured forth upon our society and world. The love of God is healing and nurturing. It has been beautiful seeing the love of Christ continue to draw people in at SJB. We invite all those who are new to our parish to attend our New Member Welcome after any of the Masses this weekend. Please stop by the welcome desk after Mass and they will share with you all the good things going on at SJB! Also, I hope to see you at our Sunday Funday this weekend! It is for all parishioners and I encourage you to attend and meet someone new! Our Knights of Columbus will be providing a delicious Italian meal in St. Joseph Hall following Mass. See information about the meal and Sunday Funday below.
I will be attending Extreme Faith Camp next week with 4 of my nieces and nephews. Please pray for them and all those attending the camp! Thank you!