Able Fix-It is a group of volunteers who support elderly parishioners needing small home repairs and cleaning jobs as well as assistance with outdoor jobs such as fall cleanups and snow removal. If you have skills to offer, we would love to have you join us in serving others. Volunteers need to complete Volunteer with Minors or Vulnerable Adults requirements. Contact Mary Kohlhaas at (651) 633.8333 x1229 or for help needed or for more information.
Angel Tree
This is our holiday giving ministry. Parishioners are needed not only to donate gifts but also to deliver the presents to Ralph Reeder Center. Contact Lee Treml (651) 633-8333 ext. 1212 or
Branch III
Branch III is a ministry that functions under Catholic Charities. Volunteers from St. John’s provide hot lunches at the Catholic Charities Drop-in Center in Minneapolis on the first and second Tuesday of each month.
Caregivers Support Group
The Caregivers support group is for all those who are taking care of a loved one; and are in need of a break, a support group, and/or a friend to lean on. Join us on the first Tuesday of each month in Room 204 from 1:00-2:30 PM. Any questions? contact Mary Kohlhaas at (651) 633.8333 x1229 or
Community Support Center
Community Support Center (CSC) is nonprofit offering financial assistance to prevent evictions and utility shut offs while helping to guide participants toward long-term financial stability. St. John’s provides an annual donation to the CSC and refers clients to them through various ministries such as St. Vincent de Paul.
Eucharistic Ministers Homebound
The Eucharistic Ministers Homebound ministry volunteers bring Holy Communion to those who are homebound or at risk on a regular basis – some weekly, some monthly, flexible schedule! Volunteers need to complete Volunteer with Minors or Vulnerable Adults requirements. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Mary Kohlhaas at (651) 633.8333 x1229 or Some training involved.
Eucharistic Ministers Hospitals
The Eucharistic Ministers Hospital volunteers bring Communion to Catholic patients at Unity and St. John’s Hospitals in St. Paul once per month. If you or a loved one would like a visit while you are in the hospital or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Mary Kohlhaas at (651) 633.8333 x1229 or Volunteers need to complete Volunteer with Minors or Vulnerable Adults requirements.
Eucharistic Ministers Nursing Homes
The Eucharistic Ministers nursing home volunteers provide weekly Word/Communion services to Catholic residents in local healthcare centers. Flexible schedule! Volunteers need to complete Volunteer with Minors or Vulnerable Adults requirements. If you or a loved one would like a visit or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Mary Kohlhaas at (651) 633.8333 x1229 or
Food Shelf
The St. John’s Food Shelf is intended to serve members of our parish community as well as our near neighbors who are in temporary need to supplement their food budget. See for more information.
Growing Through Loss
Growing Through Loss is a grief ministry program, which is held twice per year at various churches in the area. The meetings have a speaker on a specific grief topic and break into small groups for discussion. Come for one class or the whole series. Visit for more information.
Kidz Closet
The Kidz Closet offers aid and friendship to families in need by providing clothing from newborn to size seven, as well as diapers, baby accessories, books, and small toys. Visit for more information.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver meals once per month on either Monday or Friday at 10:45 AM out of 2408 Mounds View Blvd in Mounds View. Contact Marian Briggs at (612) 803.2391 or if you would like to volunteer.
Ministry of Accompaniment
The Ministry of Accompaniment provides volunteers to walk along side, listen and pray with people who have experienced trauma, are in a chronic situation or who are near the end of life.
Ministry of Consolation
The Ministry of Consolation is a grief ministry at St. John’s and is open year ‘round. It provides both educational and support components as well as grief sharing opportunities in a small group setting. Participants are able to find community within their grief journey, but also learn strategies to support themselves. People can join any time, come as needed or come consistently. Sign-ups are encouraged. For more information, contact Mary Kohlhaas at (651) 633.8333 x1229 or
St. John’s supports vetted mission outreaches of parishioners. The two mission outreaches currently supported at St. John’s are:
- Mary’s Meals is a nonprofit program feeding more than 2.4 million children every school day in 18 countries around the world. Their vision is to provide a good meal in a place of education with the goal of drawing children into the classroom where they can receive an education that could one day free them from poverty. A $25.20 donation feeds a child for an entire school year. For more information, contact Mary Kohlhaas at or 763.242.4229.
- Building Bridges Liberia Building Bridges Liberia is a tax-exempt 501c3 charity serving as a conduit of charitable contributions, assisting Liberians economically and educationally, and encouraging the stability and flourishing of Christian communities, both Protestant and Catholic. For more information, contact Naomi Hard at or 612.616.7907.
Prayer Line
Prayer requests are gathered by phone and passed on to our Prayer Line Ministers. There is also an emergency line. Requests remain confidential. Contact Teri Shea (651) 633-8333 ext. 1237 or
The Quilter’s Ministry makes prayer quilts for donation to parishioners and to charitable organizations. The group meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 1-3 PM in room 203. They plan, layer and tie quilts during the meetings and they require no previous skills or experience to join. New members are always welcome! If you know someone who would benefit from a prayer quilt, contact Mary Kohlhaas at (651) 633.8333 x1229 or
Respect Life
The Respect Life Ministry’s mission is to implement the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities and in so doing to be a people of life and a people for life. They meet regularly once per month and attempt to impact life issues through education, prayer and high visibility events. New members always welcome! Visit for more information.
Sharing and Caring Hands
Volunteers from St. John’s purchase, prepare and serve approximately 360 meals to the poor over the lunch hour at Sharing and Caring Hands in downtown Minneapolis on the 4th Wednesday of each month. We also have an on-going collections for hygiene bags and for new and gently used blankets to donate. Contact Marty Schutz at (763) 242.4563.
St. Vincent De Paul Society
Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, known as “Vincentians”, are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person services to individuals in need. The volunteers provide assistance to members in the community who are in financial need due to unexpected life circumstances. Visit for more information.
The widows and widowers of SJB are welcome to attend our monthly lunch at Perkins on Country Road D on the 2nd Monday of the month at 11:30 AM. Come and join others who are in the same state of life as you and “get it!” We have a great time getting to know one another, find out about upcoming events and get free pie every time! For more information contact Mary Kohlhaas at (651) 633.8333 x1229 or
Young at Heart
YAH is our parish seniors group. If you think that describes you, come and join us! We meet every first Thursday from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 208. We bring in presenters, we have a small group study, go on off-site visits and tours and do special events right here to celebrate Advent/Christmas and other seasons. Have any suggestions? Tell us! Want to do a service? We’ll find one. You can come to all or just a few times. You are always welcome! For more information, contact Mary Kohlhaas at (651) 633.8333 x1229 or