
How would you like to get involved at St. John’s?

We invite you to share your time and talent by participating in a ministry or activity in our parish. What are your gifts? What talents do you want to share with others? Please review the volunteer opportunities and prayerfully consider sharing your gifts with the parish community.

Safe Environments at St. John the Baptist

Volunteers who minister to children, youth or vulnerable adults must undergo a background check, sign a code of conduct and attend a VIRTUS session as mandated by the Archdiocese.
Click here to get started.

Cemetery Committee

Members meet twice a year to review overall operations, recommend pricing for cemetery plots, and update policies and brochures. Contact: Trina Brinda (651) 633-8333 ext. 1255 or brindat@stjohnnyb.org.

Funeral Host Ministry

Funeral hosts welcome people attending a funeral at St. John’s. The hosts provide directions for the funeral lectors and gift bearers. The hosts create a welcoming environment for the funeral family and their guests. Contact Rita Arndorfer (651) 633-8333 ext. 1220 or arndorferr@stjohnnyb.org.

Hospitality After Mass

Coffee ministers are needed to provide refreshments after all weekend Masses, holy days, and holidays. Trained leaders make coffee and oversee each Mass time. Contact the Parish Office for more information (651) 633-8333 or sjb@stjohnnyb.org.

Welcome Committee

Welcome new parishioners during Newcomer Registration on the second Sunday of each month.
Contact  Jen Livermont at 651-633-8333 ext. 1234 or livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.


Guardian Angels Nursery is open to children ages 1-3 during both the 8:30 and 10:30 am Sunday Masses. The nursery is staffed by a paid nursery supervisor with volunteers assisting during each Mass. Volunteer sign-ups are available with the nursery supervisor on Sunday mornings. Contact Jen Livermont (651) 633-1522 ext. 1233 or livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.

Sunday School

Children ages three to kindergarten meet during the 8:30 and 10:30 am Sunday Masses. The coordinator is responsible for reading the Bible story, teaching the lesson and leading the song. Teachers are needed to lead the classroom time and craft based upon the provided lesson plan for the week.

Commitment: Sunday School meets from October through April. Teachers can sign up to teach every week or every other week.

Contact Jen Livermont (651) 633-1522 ext. 1233 or livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.

Childcare for Events

Childcare is offered for limited parish functions in order to enable parents to attend formation, meetings, etc. It is open to children of all ages on a first-come first-serve basis. Sign-ups for particular events and ministries will come out with registration. Childcare is staffed by a paid childcare supervisor with volunteers assisting during each event or activity. Contact Jen Livermont (651) 633-1522 ext. 1233 or livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.

Family Formation

Catechists are needed and must be committed to teaching on the first Wednesday of every month and to attend a catechist training on another Wednesday of each month. Catechists are called to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church and engage the students as they teach. Contact Jen Livermont (651) 633-8333 ext. 1234 or livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.

Vacation Bible School

A team plans and executes the lessons, games, and activities of the week. Planning requires three to four meetings and prep work, VBS itself is three days – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – 9:00 am -12:00 pm. Help with lessons, music, games, water activities, and skits are open to all volunteers aged teen to adult. Contact Jen Livermont (651) 633-8333 ext. 1233 or livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.

Totus Tuus

Classroom helpers are needed for the week, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, as well as host families for food and lodging for the 4 person team. Host the team for the week or host one meal for them during the week. All help is greatly appreciated! Contact Jen Livermont (651) 633-8333 ext. 1233 or livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.

Senior High Youth Ministry

This core team works with high school teens, mostly 10th-12th graders, and helps them understand what they need to know in order to grow closer to the Church and Jesus Christ and teaches them how to become an active disciple.

Must Haves: confidence, the ability to learn about our Catholic faith, and to work with a team to help others understand. Must be able to relate to teens and love them where they are while maintaining appropriate boundaries between adults and teens. Contact Sarah Wilder (651) 633-8333, ext. 1254 or wilders@stjohnnyb.org.

Middle School Ministry

The team presents the basic tenants of the faith to middle school students in “high octane” ways.

Must Haves: high energy, loads of patience, ability to have fun & ability to relate with middle school students. This ministry will run all year long. Contact Sarah Wilder (651) 633-8333, ext. 1254 or wilders@stjohnnyb.org.


A blend of the Senior High Youth Ministry, the Middle School Ministry and a 2 year program:

Confirmation year 1 & 2

An opportunity to encounter our Lord on a personal level and then pursue Him through further study of our Catholic faith. This ministry can be split into 2 different categories: small group leader and/or session leader-Catechist. If you would like to do both, that would be awesome!

Commitment: Small Group Leader: 1 to 8 ratio (Must have 1 adult per 8 teens). Must be relatable, must already know Christ and be able to share that knowledge with others. Be a shining light of Christ as this is the last chance we get to show these kids how beautiful our faith really is. A commitment to 2 years is desirable but not necessary.

Catechist: Must have a firm knowledge of the Catholic faith and be able to make it fun and relatable to youth. Session talks are limited to 15 minutes. Contact Sarah Wilder (651) 633-8333, ext. 1254 or wilders@stjohnnyb.org.

Extreme Faith Camp (Middle School)

We are always looking for adults to ride the bus with the middle school campers since the team is already at camp getting ready. Adults are needed to attend as chaperones and help execute the week. Contact Sarah Wilder (651) 633-8333, ext. 1254 or wilders@stjohnnyb.org.

OCIA Team Members and Sponsors

Adult volunteers are needed to journey with potential candidates through the process of becoming Catholic. Some team members will sponsor the candidate, some will aid in facilitating the sessions, some will help with hospitality and some will lead small groups.
Contact Jill Fink (651) 633-8333 ext. 1280 or finkj@stjohnnyb.org.

First Sacraments

Volunteers are needed for the First Reconciliation Retreat, the First Eucharist Retreat, and some prep work is needed for each. Time commitment is approximately 6 hours for each retreat. Contact Jill Fink (651) 633-8333 ext. 1280 or finkj@stjohnnyb.org.

Marriage Preparation Couples

Married couples work with engaged couples as they prepare for marriage; training is provided.
Contact  Deacon Michael Lane at 651-633-8333 ext. 1219 or lanem@stjohnnyb.org.

Dinners – Turkey, Italian, and SJB Feast Day

These large parish-wide dinners are held once a year and workers are recruited before each event by an announcement. Contact the Parish Office for more information (651) 633-8333 or sjb@stjohnnyb.org.

FallFest Committee

Volunteers are needed to help organize the parish’s largest annual fundraiser, which is held on a weekend in September. Subcommittee members are also needed. Weekend workers are recruited in late August and early September. Commitments range from minimal to moderate, but everyone is needed! Contact Beth Robertson (651) 633-8333 ext. 1215 or robertsonb@stjohnnyb.org.

Funeral Luncheon Committee

Help provide luncheons after funerals by preparing and serving food, working at the luncheon, or by donating food. Contact the Parish Office for more information (651) 633-8333 or sjb@stjohnnyb.org.

Garden and Indoor Plant Club

Volunteers are always needed to help care for indoor year-round. Help is also needed to plant and care for outdoor gardens during the warm months. A green thumb is not required. Contact: Pat Hinnenkamp (651) 633-8333 hinnenkampp@stjohnnyb.org.

Library Committee

Volunteers are needed to collect and catalog materials for the parish library as well as assist visitors to the library on Sundays after Mass. Training provided.
Contact the parish office (651) 633-8333,  or sjb@stjohnnyb.org.

Parish Photographers

Parishioners, trained in the policies of the parish, take photos at parish events for use in the bulletin and on the parish website.
Contact Joseph Huebl (651) 633-8333 ext. 1217 or hueblj@stjohnnyb.org.

Quilters Group

Make quilts for donation to charitable organizations. No previous skills or experience are required. Gather on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month; open to everyone!
Contact Mary Kohlhaas (651) 633-8333, ext. 1229 or Kohlhaasm@stjohnnyb.org.

Welcome Desk

Staff the Reception Desk in St. Paul Plaza. Duties: answering phones, greeting and directing guests. Regulars and subs needed; will train. Contact Teri Shea (651) 633-8333 ext. 1237 or sheat@stjohnnyb.org.

Pastoral Outreach

Our mission is to engage the parish community and continue the work of Christ in caring for those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual care.

Click here for many opportunities to share your time and talents with those in need.

Nursing Home Ministry

Provide weekly Word/communion services to Catholic residents in local healthcare centers. (Flexible schedule!) Contact: Mary Kohlhaas (651) 633-8333 ext. 1229 or Kohlhaasm@stjohnnyb.org.

Prayer Line

Prayer requests are gathered by phone and passed on to our Prayer Line Ministers. There is also an emergency line. Requests remain confidential. If you would like to be a Prayer Line Minister, contact Teri Shea (651) 633-8333 ext. 1237 or sheat@stjohnnyb.org.

St. John the Baptist School

Please contact the School directly for service opportunities. Families’ service volunteer hours may be completed through parish activities as well as the school! Contact Principal Ann Laird (651) 633-1522 or lairda@stjohnnyb.org.

Office of Worship

Click here for the many opportunities that exist for Liturgical participation.

Archives Committee

This committee has the important job of preserving the history of St. John’s Parish by collecting, organizing, storing, and displaying various artifacts.

Arts and Environment Committee

Plan and execute the interior and exterior environment of the church.

Contact Lee Treml (651) 633-8333 ext. 1212 or tremll@stjohnnyb.org.


Click here for the various opportunities that exist for musical ministry including the following: children’s choir, adult choir, schola, handbell choir, baptism music group, cantors, and contemporary ensemble.