Discipleship Opportunities for Families with Children 3 years – 5th Grade
Contact Jen Livermont for programs and activities for children 3 through 5th grade
Contact Sarah Wilder for 6th-12th grade
Sunday Mass Nursery
The nursery is open to children ages 1 – 3 during the 8:30 am & 10:30 am Sunday Masses on most Sunday mornings throughout the year, even during the summer months! The nursery is staffed by a nursery supervisor with volunteers who assist. The nursery is located in the preschool room next to Fr. Paul’s office.
Catholic Kids Bulletin
Catholic Kids Bulletins are available for all children of the parish to pick up as they walk into Mass. They can be found next to the Mass Leaflets. The bulletin offers activities and coloring related to the Gospel story, the liturgical calendar as well as a spotlight on a saint each week. Please bring your own crayons or colored pencils from home to use. No markers, please.
Sunday School
Sunday School is discipleship training for our littlest disciples (ages 3 through kindergarten). The sessions consist of a bible story and lesson, songs, crafts, and saint stories. We follow the lectionary and the liturgical calendar so students are typically hearing the same Gospel story that they are reading in Mass. We meet most Sundays during the 8:30 am and 10:30 am Masses from October through April. Kids get dropped off in the classroom before Mass begins and get picked up when Mass is over. All children must be registered prior to attending/participating in the Sunday School program. All children must be potty-trained to enroll.
For any questions please contact Jen Livermont at livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.
Childcare for Events
Childcare is offered for limited parish functions in order to enable parents to attend formation, meetings, etc. This is open to children of all ages on a first-come-first-serve basis. Sign-ups for particular events and ministries will be held during registration for that class. Childcare is staffed by a paid childcare supervisor with volunteers assisting during each event or activity.
Childcare is limited and either offered through an RSVP with program registration or on a first come, first serve basis. For any questions please email Jen Livermont at livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.
Family Formation
Family Formation is offered to families with preschool-5th grade children, both parents and children grow in discipleship together.
This program is offered in person and is on the first Wednesday of every month (unless otherwise noted on the calendar) of the formation year which runs from October through May. We begin the year with a fun and informative kick-off in September. Families meet at Church for their onsite formation. All children in preschool-5th grade must be registered to attend/participate in the Family Formation program.
- Children under 3 will meet to play in the childcare room upstairs. They must be registered on the registration form for childcare but there is no charge.
- Preschoolers and Kindergarteners will meet upstairs for their lesson. They will stay upstairs for the entire time slot.
- Children in grades 1-5th will go to grade-specific classrooms.
- Family Formation is designed for parents to be equipped to fulfill their call to be the first and foremost educators of their children’s faith. It will bring the family together once a month at church to grow and strengthen their relationship with Christ and learn more about their Catholic Faith. Parents will receive materials and guidance to teach their children three additional lessons at home during the rest of the month.
Family Formation Schedule:
5:00 pm Confession is available with childcare before Mass
5:30 pm Mass or Dinner (with free will offering)
6:00 pm Family Formation Program begins
7:30 pm Program concludes
If you have any questions regarding the program please email Jen Livermont at livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.
1st Sacraments
The preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion are completed during second grade. Preparation includes parents guiding their children through weekly home lessons, attending Parent/Child orientations, retreats, and celebrations. Children receive additional partnerships within the Family Formation program or St. John’s parish school. All children will register for the 1st Sacraments in addition to their ongoing formation of parish school or Family Formation.
If you would like to sign up your child(ren), please contact Jill Fink at finkj@stjohnnyb.org with questions.
More Information 2024-2025 Calendar
OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation of Children)
OCIC is for children between ages 8 and 14 who have completed 2nd grade, whether baptized or unbaptized. Children preparing to receive the Sacraments they have missed since Baptism, or to join the Catholic Church through Baptism, will attend OCIC classes on a regular basis.
If you would like to sign up your child(ren), please contact Jill Fink at finkj@stjohnnyb.org with questions.
Totus Tuus
Totus Tuus is named after St. Pope John Paul’s papal motto, “Totally Yours” referring to Mother Mary. It signifies our desire to give ourselves entirely to Jesus Christ through Mary. The theme for this year is The Apostles Creed and the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. This program is a Catholic youth program that is dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. The trained team of young adults puts prayer and catechesis into active learning along with class time, games, songs, skits, and recess. The program is split into the grade school day program and the middle school/high school evening program.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Preschool – Kindergarten Program
For students 3 years old (and potty trained) through students entering 1st grade in the fall of 2024. The program runs from Tuesday, July 16 – Thursday, July 18, 2024, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.
Registration is currently full. If you have any questions regarding VBS or want to get onto the waiting list, please contact Jen Livermont at livermontj@stjohnnyb.org.