Respect Life Committee
From the womb to the tomb, life is precious. Savor it.
Who We Are
We are a group of parish men and women who have been faithfully meeting at St. John’s for over 40 years. In a society that glorifies violence, we reject its solutions to problem pregnancies and terminal illness. In a humane, civilized society, we believe that caring for and helping expectant mothers is a non-violent option to abortion, just as hospice is a caring option to euthanasia.
Our Mission
By our prayers and works, we strive to open the hearts and minds of all to the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death through:
- Prayer
- Communication
- Support
- Education
- Influence
Respect Life Activities
January – March for Life at the Capitol
February/March – A Lenten Soup Supper
March/April – Group prayer vigils at Planned Parenthood on Good Friday
May – Mother’s Day Flower Sale and Abria Run
June – Father’s Day Table
July – Baby Gift Tree Campaign
September – FallFest Ice Cream Booth
October – 40 Days for Life, All Saints Day Party Table, and Serving lunch at Caring and Sharing Hands
December – December 8 Immaculate Conception Table and December 12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Table
Respect Life Committee Meetings
Meetings are usually held on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Check St. John’s weekly Sunday bulletin for specific meeting dates and locations, or call the parish office, 651-633-8333.
Links to ProLife Documents/Resources
Archbishop Cordileone’s Letter to Nancy Pelosi
SJB Kidz Closet
Click Here for more information.
Expectant Parent Blessing
Expectant Parent Blessing takes place quarterly in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel.
Baby Tree 2018-Present
Thanks to the generosity of St. John the Baptist parishioners for all the beautiful gifts that have been donated to the North Side Abria, Birth Right and our own Maternity Closet. All gifts have been greatly appreciated.
40 Days for Life
Pro-Life Action Ministries invites all to join us in this international movement of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach to end abortion.
Plan to pray with St. John the Baptist
40 Days for Life Twin Cities
SJB will Adopt-A-Day. Check back here or the bulletin for details as it gets closer.
Individuals come and pray anytime at Planned Parenthood 671 Vandalia St., St. Paul, MN 55114
Daily Prayer To End Abortion
Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life and for the lives of all my brothers and sisters.
I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion.
Today, I commit myself never to be silent, never to be passive, never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement and never to stop defending life until all my brothers and sisters are protected, and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty and justice, not just for some, but for all, through Christ our Lord. Amen!
Below are some links to learn more about life issues.
- Human Life Alliance
- ProLife Across America
- Prenatal Partners for Life
- Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (Secures protections for innocent human life from conception until natural death through effective education, legislation and political action)
- Pro-Life Action Ministries (40 Days for Life prayer vigil, etc.)
- MN Catholic Conference
- Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Twin Cities(Healing After Abortion