St. John’s Food Shelf
Our Food Shelf is intended to serve members of our parish community as well as our near neighbors who are in temporary need to supplement their food budget.
The food shelf is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 a.m.– 12:00 noon. A person may visit twice per month. One must show a state-issued picture ID and can pick out up to two bags of food and a bag of non-food items.
At this time, online or paper orders for groceries are also accepted. One can submit an order and pick up the bagged groceries at St. John’s Church on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. An order may be placed twice each month. To submit an online order, click here. Paper order forms are available at St. John’s in the kiosk near the welcome desk. Completed orders may be turned in at the parish office or the welcome desk. Completed orders must be received by close of day on Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday for pick up the following day.
We depend on donations from the parish community. They may be left at any time in the wooden boxes at all church entrances. The Food Shelf is staffed by volunteers who give approximately two hours of their time once per month.
If you have any questions, or to volunteer, please call the food shelf extension at the church office (651) 633-8333 extension 1284. Leave your name, a brief message, and a telephone number or an E-mail address so we may contact you.