Volunteer Requirements
If you are a parishioner and plan to volunteer in any capacity (pastoral care, leadership, formation, drive in any capacity for the parish, etc.) you must complete the Essential 3 (E3) as required by the Archdiocese.
- Criminal Background Check
- Sign a Volunteer Code of Conduct
- Participate in Safe Environment Training (Virtus)
We appreciate your time that you generously share with our parish and your participation in the Essential 3 to make our parish a safer environment for all.
Remember, if you suspect abuse, your first call should always be to law enforcement.
Complete Volunteer Application
Print and complete the volunteer application below.
Volunteer Application & Release for Working with Minors and Vulnerable Adults- Printable
Volunteer Application & Release for Working with Minors & Vulnerable Adults- fillable pdf
Drop off, mail, or email your completed volunteer form to Rita Arndorfer arndorferr@stjohnnyb.org
Once you complete and turn in your volunteer application, Rita Arndorfer will email a link to complete the E3 Requirement – which must be completed within seven days of starting. For more information on the Archdiocesan Safe Environment requirements. Visit https://safe-environment.archspm.org/essential-3