Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,
As disciples of Christ, we are blessed to have been given the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us. Different symbols of the Holy Spirit include the dove and fire. The dove represents the lightness of the Holy Spirit and purity. The fire represents conviction and purification. The Holy Spirit purifies us of our selfish inclinations and helps us to authentically seek God’s plan rather than our own. The Holy Spirit also helps us to remain firm in the truths that He has revealed to us.
I have been feeling called by the Holy Spirit to reiterate the Church’s teaching on pro-life and standing up for the truth—as I did back on the Feast of the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist. Here at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School, we stand with Christ and believe in the Gospel of Life.

As the Father loves me, so also I love you!
God is good! We have parishioners that pray every Thursday outside Planned Parenthood in St. Paul for the end of abortion. In July, we will be collecting items, including diapers, wipes, and other baby items, to supply local pregnancy resource centers right here in the Twin Cities metro area. We will be participating once again in 40 Days for Life this fall in anticipation of the elections, praying that pro-life leaders will be elected. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society and food shelf also support families in need. We serve meals every month at Sharing and Caring Hands, as well as provide Christmas gifts, Easter baskets, and blankets when requested by Mary Jo Copeland. We support the local Community Support Center which helps local families get on their feet so they can support themselves. We are an anchor parish by providing many volunteers and financial support for the Compassion Clinic next weekend. We not only pray to end abortion and build a culture of life, but we work to build a culture of life. May we always follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit in doing so.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned, I believe there will be a negative response fostered by the media and secular culture, but we will stay strong in the Holy Spirit, convicted in the truth that every life is to be cherished and loved. We are not afraid as we serve God, not human powers. We pray for a peaceful response to the Supreme Court’s decision and that our society would work together to build up a culture of life.
I am particularly grateful for Archbishop Cordileone’s courage in standing up for the sanctity of the Eucharist in his decision to publicly ask Speaker of the House of US Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to refrain from receiving Holy Communion until she publicly renounces her support of abortion. As he stated in the letter, he takes no pleasure in this decision but as her pastor and shepherd, he feels the responsibility to do so. That takes a lot of courage and I pray for him. I pray as well as for a conversion of heart for Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and all pro-abortionists. May they see the beauty of every human life, especially in the womb.
For resources on the Supreme Court Case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization see our parish website: We also have posted Archbishop Cordileone’s letter for you to read as secular media often reports only what narrative they want to push. We are at a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. We desire to be on the side of the Holy Spirit, which stands up for the truth that unborn children deserve the right to life. Come, Holy Spirit, come!
As the Father loves me, so also I love you!