
Are you prepared?

August 7, 2020

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,

Throughout the pandemic, we have begun using new phrases quite regularly. One of the phrases is “Preparedness Plan.”  We needed a Preparedness Plan to resume ministry and to open our school. This plan gives us a sense of safety and security.  It shows that we have thought through various scenarios and are intentional in avoiding risks. Do you have a preparedness plan for Heaven? Are you intentional as you prepare for eternity?  By avoiding sin, and choosing holiness we are preparing for Heaven.  We want to take away risks that lead us into sin by avoiding near occasions of sin. We want to be aware of the things that help us grow in holiness like daily prayer, frequent reception of the Sacraments, and works of charity and seek out those opportunities.

Here at St. John’s, our “Preparedness Plan” for Heaven is living out the Core Values. As we rely on prayer, we are strengthened in holiness and filled with God’s spirit. We are willing to grow and pursuing God by spiritual reading and utilizing Catholic resources to fortify our faith. We avoid the near occasions of sin and fight off temptations of the flesh.  As we live out of a generous spirit, we build the kingdom of God and align our will to God’s will which is love itself.  Prepare your hearts, minds, and bodies for Heaven.

As the Father loves me, so I also love you!
Fr. Paul