
Solemnity of All Saints

This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints.  We desire to be among them someday and enjoy the peace of the Kingdom of Heaven.  In order to be ready, we must seek to make his kingdom present here in our daily lives.  We do that by relying on prayer, being willing to grow, and living out of a generous spirit.  Our core values help us to build up Christ’s kingdom here in New Brighton and beyond.

As we continue to navigate through this challenging and divisive year, we ask the Holy Spirit to unite us.   May Holy Spirit unite us by confirming our hearts to be more like Christ’s through our prayer.  May the Holy Spirit enlighten our minds to see like Christ.  May the Holy Spirit align our wills with Christ, that we may always act in union with him.  Check out this video as we kick off Core Commitment 2021 and pledge to live out our core values this coming year!

Join us for Mass:
Solemnity of All Saints Vigil Mass – Saturday, October 31 at 4:30 PM – In the church, live-streaming on YouTube, Facebook and on CTV North Suburbs Comcast Cable Channels 15 (standard definition) and 859 (high definition).
Solemnity of All Saints 2020 Mass Leaflet
Solemnity of All Saints – Sunday at 8:30 & 10:30 AM and 5:30 PM