November 18, 2021
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,
Do you want to win the lottery? If so, you need to buy a lottery ticket! Do you want to be Restored to Life? You need to commit to being Restored to Life! God desires you to be restored and pours himself out to you in order to restore you! By living out the Core Values of reliance on prayer, willingness to grow, and generous spirit, we are able to be Restored to Life.
Relying on prayer allows God to nourish you. Through relying on prayer in the Sacraments we are given sanctifying grace that helps us love like Jesus. Relying on prayer as we pray devotions like the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Daily Litany of Restoration, or Adoration will deepen our connection with the Lord. The deep connection allows us to be Restored to Life. Meditating upon the Sacred Scriptures also allows us to be Restored to Life as we reflect on Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Being willing to grow helps us be restored as we grow into saints who are fully alive with the love of God shining through them. We were created to participate in God’s work, but due to sin, we experience brokenness and suffering. God desires us to grow into the saints He created us to be and if we are willing to grow, He will provide the necessary grace to be Restored to Life!
Living out of a generous spirit allows us to be Restored to Life as Christ will be pouring Himself out through us, as we give of ourselves to others. Whether it is through service or financial support, living out of a generous spirit allows us to be Restored to Life. It also allows others to be Restored to Life through our generosity. For example, as volunteers helping in our food shelf, we are allowing Christ to restore us as we sense His joy in our ministry. We also help those receiving the food be Restored to Life as they are able to have nourishment that helps them live well.
Join me in committing to live out the Core Values of our parish as we fulfill our mission to “Bear witness to Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life: GO. MAKE. TEACH.” Relying on prayer, being willing to grow, living out of a generous spirit will Restore us to Life and help us more effectively fulfill Christ’s mission for us to GO. MAKE. TEACH.
As the Father loves me, so I also love you,