I also want to add a little clarity regarding the Fourth Weekend of Advent and Christmas Masses. To fulfill your Sunday obligation, the Church asks that you to attend Mass on Saturday night at 4:30 pm or Sunday morning at 8:30 am or 10:30 am. To fulfill your Christmas obligation, the Church asks that you attend Mass Sunday evening at 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm or 10:30 pm or Monday morning at 8:30 am or 10:30 am. Sorry, it is not a two-for-one special this year:) You get to come to Mass twice!
Our Restore to Gather Capital Campaign for our church and school is going well. Thank you to those of you who have turned in your pledge form! We are over halfway to our 5 million dollar goal. For those who have not turned in a pledge form, I invite you to fill it out and return your pledge form in the collection basket at church. Together we can restore our campus so that people can gather here for generations to come. On the weekend of November 11 and 12 I preached about supporting our parish community as we raise up disciples like Regan, a 3rd grader from our school, who gave her dad his first rosary and taught him how to use it. Well, since that homily, Regan’s mom has given birth to twins, a baby boy and a baby girl! Regan now has the opportunity to help both of them encounter God’s love as she has helped her dad. They will be Baptized here at SJB in the near future and we look forward to welcoming them into our school once they are of age. Our parish is growing, and God’s love is growing here as well. Let’s come together and support our Restore to Gather Campaign with meaningful sacrificial gifts so that we can raise up future saints at SJB!