Want to take another step closer to Christ this Lent?
Join fellow parishioners for an All Parish Lenten Retreat
Saturday, March 16 from 8am-12pm.
Fr. Jacques Philippe, world renowned speaker and author, is coming here to St. John’s! Join us for this exciting half day retreat as we enter more fully into the Lenten Season.
Retreat Schedule
8:00am Rosary in Chapel of the Angels
8:30am Daily Mass in the Church
9:05am Breakfast in St. Joseph’s Hall
9:30am Introduction to Retreat
9:35am Talk #1 Living under the Gaze of God to find Freedom
10:30am Break
10:40am Talk #2 What is it to be poor in Spirit? Living according to the Beatitudes
11:30am Confessions and adoration
12:00pm Benediction
The retreat is free but please RSVP by calling parish office at 651-633-8333. Free will offering.
Contact Fr. Paul Shovelain with any questions frshovelain@stjohnnyb.org
This event is coordinated with St. George’s Bookstore in Blaine. Visit stgeorgebooks.com
Learn more about Fr. Jacques on his website at https://frjacquesphilippe.com/