We are blessed to have a variety of opportunities to rely on prayer here at SJB. From our students praying together as a school community at the beginning of school every day to our parishioners praying the Mass together every day. We pray the Rosary together as a community before daily Mass and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy after Mass on Mondays. Parishioners have the opportunity to be prayed over during our intercessory prayer ministry offered on the 3rd weekend of the month. We have a beautiful adoration chapel, where people are invited to pray at all hours of the day throughout the week. We offer a daily virtual prayer opportunity at 3:00 pm. We pray at the beginning of our meetings and meals.
New this year, we will offer a weekend retreat for women and a weekend retreat for men. This will be a phenomenal opportunity for parishioners to grow together with each other and the Lord. A retreat is an opportunity to step back from the front lines of daily life and be renewed by Christ. We will be inspired, empowered, grow, and pray together, as we strive to support each other on the path to Heaven. The women’s retreat will be January 13-15 and the men’s retreat will be March 3-5 at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Prior Lake. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us! Watch future parish communications for more information.
In our first of three Core Commitment videos, (see video below) we hear from parishioner Helene Maroun, about the importance of reliance on prayer. It is her source of strength and love. Helene stated, “I love the adoration chapel so much. I can sit there and put all my worries in God’s hands.” Prayer has also helped her children have hope and trust in God. Helene’s son Anthony is in 6th grade at our school. He joyfully proclaimed, “We pray every day and I have never had that in any school before!” They have found a home here at SJB, after moving to Blaine 2 years ago. Thank you for helping them feel at home, as well as your dedication and support of our wonderful parish community.
For me personally, I know that when I get too busy to pray, I can get exhausted and frustrated pretty quickly. When I take time to pray, reflect, and process what is going on with the Lord in my life, I am much more composed and confident in His presence and protection. Join the Marouns and me in committing to relying on prayer, and having your deep spiritual needs met by our Savior Jesus Christ!