Try as we might, the culture of Christmas busyness is hard to avoid during Advent. The Church, in her wisdom, created that time for us because we know that we need to enter a time of stillness in order to be able to fully appreciate the beauty of the season. The birth of any child is a miracle worth pondering and the face of a newborn can capture our attention for hours. The birth of Jesus is not like the birth of any other baby before or after. It is His relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit and His mission of love that transforms the miraculous birth of a baby into one of the greatest miracles of all time, second only to His Resurrection.
So, take time to pause in the stillness of Mass, gazing at the manger, or entering into the story during Journey to the Inn. Journey with the Wise Men as they head out to seek their Messiah and find the truth of life itself. Sing with the choir of angels as they celebrate His coming. Huddle near to the animals as they seek His warmth on a cold night. Bask in the faithfulness of Mary and Joseph as they care for and protect our Savior. The season of Christmas is just beginning and there is plenty of time left to find stillness. There is still time to search for where the Lord is calling you forth on your faith journey this coming year. There will be many opportunities to embrace the love of Jesus and His wonderous plan for you. Allow yourself to be swept into the scenario of a love story that is all about you and your relationship with Jesus.
On January 7, 2023, we invite you to a very special event, Journey to the Inn, with a live nativity here at SJB. We will begin in prayer in the Church at 6:15 pm and follow the star of Bethlehem and journey with Wise Men to the manger scene, praying and singing along the way. I plan to bring live animals from my brother-in-law’s farm to fill out the manger scene. Also, our Knights of Columbus will offer dinner following the 4:30 pm Mass with cookies, hot cocoa, and Christmas Carols in St. Joseph Hall following the Journey.
From all of us here at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Christ responded to the Father’s invitation to be Called Forth into the world! He is a blessing to us and brings us hope! May we respond to that hope this year, by taking the next step on the journey of faith! Merry Christmas!