One project that was completed this past fall was the tuckpointing around the windows above the baptistry. We are hopeful this approach will fix the water leak in a more cost-effective way rather than replacing the windows as originally thought. We also have replaced the carpet in 6 classrooms with funds from our 2023 Wines to Wishes Fundraiser. The remaining classrooms and hallway carpet will be replaced with contributions from our Restore to Gather Capital Campaign.
We are finalizing the contract for the remainder of the church upgrades. The projects in this contract will include the removal, refinishing, and reinstalling of the pews in the church. It also includes spraying a new coat of acoustical spray on the ceiling. Finally, it includes upgrades to the HVAC system that will allow for greater efficiency for heating and cooling, saving money as energy costs continue to rise. We anticipate that those projects will begin in early May.
We are working with a contractor, as well, on finalizing designs for school bathroom upgrades. We also hope to begin this renovation project in early May.
Thank you to all those who have pledged to our Restore to Gather Campaign. With your support, we are able to complete these necessary upgrades. Our parish participation has grown from 554 households in the previous One Spirit Many Gifts Campaign to over 700 in our current Restore to Gather Campaign. This growth is a positive sign of vibrancy in our community. We are witnessing the Lord’s presence as we gather around this mission. Thank you for your commitment to pray for continued fruitfulness in our efforts, being flexible as we navigate the upgrades and improvements to our campus, and for your generous spirit in supporting this essential effort. (Please see further down in the email for a summary of campaign highlights, next steps, and how to fulfill your pledge.)