By Father Paul Shovelain
We are NEW BRIGHTon. When we commit to Jesus Christ and follow him by relying on prayer, being willing to grow, and living out of a generous spirit, we reflect a NEW BRIGHT light in 2021! This weekend is Core Commitment weekend and we invite you to commit to living in union with Christ. Together, “United in the Holy Spirit,” we reflect the light of Christ in our dark and confusing world. We ask the Holy Spirit to conform our hearts, enlighten our minds, and align our wills with Christ’s. He is the Light of the World, and we are invited to participate in reflecting that light to others. Thank you for your commitment to Jesus Christ and our wonderful parish! Please fill out the commitment form online by clicking here or return your completed form in the collection basket this weekend. Thank you! Be assured of my prayers for you!
With the Governor’s order yesterday, there have been questions about how our parish is affected. We are still able to celebrate Mass and the Sacraments as well as conduct formation events, like retreats or Bible Studies. Luncheons and receptions are no longer permitted. We may get new restrictions so continue to read these emails and watch our parish website for the most up to date information.

SJB is committed to serving YOU!
One of the things the Governor asked is that we do not have other households in our house. So I realize many of you will be isolated. Know that we are not alone as brothers and sisters in Christ. For those who are homebound or alone for Thanksgiving, Fr. Paul will be doing a drive-by visit and blessing on Thanksgiving and the following days as needed. Depending on how many people sign up, he may not be able to drive by everyone’s house on Thanksgiving but will do more on Friday and/or Saturday. If you would like a drive-by blessing and greeting please email Tom Herschbach or call him at 651-633-8333. Please give him your name, phone number, and address. If you know of a parishioner that would like a drive-by, especially ones that do not receive this email, you can sign them up by calling or emailing Tom. I look forward to seeing you all as I miss seeing you at church. Be assured of my prayers and gratitude for your commitment to following Jesus Christ as a member of our wonderful parish!
Check out our below video highlighting the Anosike family who have 4 children in our school. They live out the Core Values and are a BRIGHT light to those around them!