Cookie Championship

St. John the Baptist Knights of Columbus
Christmas Cookie Championship Rules 2024

Tasting will be done on Saturday, December 14 at 1 pm, with the winners announced after the 10:30 am Mass on December 15. You do not need to be
present to win.

  • Two classes of entries:
    • Adult Division
    • Junior Division (up to and including age 16)
    • Cookies from a family of bakers that are the same in each division will not be accepted; they must be different.
  • There will be a minimum of 5 judges. Two judges will be the
  • Cookies will be cut in half for each judge. (Judges will cut the cookies). Coffee or milk will be provided to the judges.
  • Entries are limited to 20 in each division. First, to sign up, you will get the available slots; there are no reservations. Entries are to be sent to
    ( Entry closes the Friday before the event.
  • There is no entry fee.
  • Contestants must provide two dozen cookies wrapped in cellophane by NOON on Saturday, December 14. Only on-time arrivals will be
  • A cookie grading sheet will be used, and total amounts will be added to determine the winners.
  • All contestants will be assigned a number; no names on the cookies will exist.
  • Don’t even try store-bought cookies!
  • The adult division prizes are $50 for first place, $35 for second place, and $25 for third place. Corresponding ribbons will be given.
  • The junior division is $50 for first place, $35 for second place, and $25 for third place. Corresponding award ribbons will be given.