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Our SJB Core Values:
Reliance on Prayer
Examples of Reliance on Prayer: Attend Sunday Mass, pray before meals, practice daily prayer, pray the rosary and/or Divine Mercy Chaplet, adore the Blessed Sacrament, attend weekday Mass, pray the 3:00 pm Transformation Devotion (Facebook)
Click here for our Adoration webpage
Willingness to Grow
Examples of a Willingness to Grow: Attend small group, Catholic Watchmen, devoted, Men’s Fellowship, Circle of Women; participate in SJB School activities as a school parent; volunteer as a Faith Formation catechist, OCIA sponsor, or youth ministry assistant.
Click here for opportunities to grow
Generous Spirit
Examples of a Generous Spirit: Assist at Mass as an usher, greeter, musician, lector, or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion; visit the homebound; participate in the Knights of Columbus or Council of Catholic Women; volunteer with the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Food Shelf or Kidz Closet.
Click here for opportunities to volunteer