
Join me at SJB

By Fr. Paul Shovelain
Join me at SJB!

As we seek to be united in the Holy Spirit this year, we desire to deepen that unity through participation in the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass. We have produced a new video inviting you to join us at Mass! Click here to see it. Please check it out and share it with friends, family, and neighbors. Also, check out my bulletin article which explains how we continue to mitigate risk and protect you physically in order to serve you spiritually.

This past Tuesday we had a wonderful evening while “Sitting with the Sisters!” We heard inspiring stories of how the Lord has worked in and through the 5 Religious Sisters that worship with us regularly at Mass. If you missed the event, you can watch a replay by clicking here.

Check out our GMT Newsletter found in the bulletin this weekend as well, which has 3 inspiring stories of parishioners who are preparing to receive Jesus in the Sacraments!

With the ground thawed out, you can put an SJB yard sign up in front of your home! This is a great way to invite others to SJB! We still have some available for you to pick up at the exits. Please grab one as you leave Mass this weekend.

Finally, I invite all men to join me at SJB tonight at 6:30 for dinner and a dynamic presentation titled “Aquire the Fire!” See the Catholic Watchmen information below for more details. See you tonight!