By Fr. Paul Shovelain
Jesus ascends into heaven and now he invites you to step up to participate in his continued ministry here on Earth! This weekend we celebrate Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven 40 days after his Resurrection. Even though his physical body is no longer here, his Sacramental presence remains here in the Catholic Church. He desires to continue to comfort people and rejoice with people.
Here at SJB we desire to let the light of Christ shine brightly in New Brighton and beyond. To do that we need your help! This past year has taken a toll on our volunteers and staff. We need people to recommit to their ministries and invite new people to step up and join ministries. We have three vital and life-giving opportunities below. Please pray about it and commit to what the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do!
I invite you to live out of a generous spirit as a volunteer to help build up the kingdom of God at SJB! Scheduling for the following ministries is flexible and you can choose to sign up for only the Masses you know you will attend. We need your help! Please contact Rita Arndorfer at or 651-633-8333 ext. 1220 for more information about any of the following ministries.
New Parishioner Welcome Committee. Assist at a new parishioner orientation, once a month for about a half-hour after Mass. Meet new people and share with them what you love about SJB!
Assist as an usher at Mass. Assist with greeting people at the doors, help with seating or direct people to the pews, and take up the collection. We need many volunteers for this vital ministry. We have 6 or more ushers at each weekend Mass.
Commit to being an Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass. Sign up to help with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. This is a great honor to distribute the Precious Gift of the Eucharist to fellow parishioners! We have 3 or 4 at Daily Mass and a minimum of 6 on the weekends.
Thank you for your consideration!