Join Fr. Skluzacek on a Pilgrimage to St. John’s University for a tour of the Abbey Church and presentation on The Saint John’s Bible.
Benedict’s Rule instructs the readers to “listen with the ear of your heart.”
You are invited to experience Scripture more deeply through images and information with the hope of journeying toward God.
8:00 am check in at SJB Plaza and board coach bus promptly
9:30 am arrival at St. John’s
9:45 am Presentation on The Saint John’s Bible
Noon Prayer with the Monastic Community
12:30 pm Lunch (Deli Sandwich, soup, dessert, and drink)
1:30 pm Tour of the Abbey Church
2:30 pm Rosary
3:00 pm Depart for SJB
4:30 pm Arrive at SJB
Cost is: $28.00 plus $12.00 for Lunch Buffet
To secure your bus seat, please return the registration form with payment to Jodie Wolla.