
Please welcome our new Development Associate, Mary May

By Fr. Paul Shovelain

As we continue to live out of a generous spirit and reflect Christ’s bright light in New Brighton, we want to nurture that light. I am excited to announce that we are doing just that with the hire of a new Development Associate, Mary May, beginning February 15th. Mary and her husband David have been parishioners at SJB for the last 7 years. David is a lector and Mary has been a member of the choir. She previously worked as a Development Associate at Relevant Radio and was able to help them to be a bright light on the airwaves. Mary will help us be a bright light as she builds relationships with our parishioners and invites us all to live out of a generous spirit. I will work closely with Mary as we continue to navigate these trying times and bring Christ’s light into our dark world. She will help raise vital funds for both the church and school as well as build up our endowments through our legacy program. She will also help coordinate our annual Core Commitment Campaign. We will continue to monitor expenses and use our finances prudently as we seek to build up Christ’s kingdom here in New Brighton and beyond. Please look for more on this enhancement to our staff in the February 20th/21st bulletin, and join me in welcoming Mary, and pray for all staff members as we seek to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit!

Novena Update
Today we conclude the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes whose feast is today. We pray that through her intercession, those who are ill would be healed. Tomorrow we begin a new novena to St. John Nepomucene for our students preparing for their First Reconciliation. He was martyred as he would not break the seal of confession. The King at the time wanted to know what his wife confessed but St. John would not disclose it so the King had him killed. He is known as the patron saint of confessors. We pray for our students who will receive the beautiful Sacrament of Confession on February 20th here at SJB.