
Preventing Respiratory Illnesses

Attention Parishioners

Many of our faithful are understandably concerned about the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), as well as other viruses during this time of year. Since the Coronavirus is spread in much the same way as influenza, it is prudent to follow steps to prevent illness. In order to alleviate fears about the spread of any viruses, we will be temporarily suspending the Sign of Peace and distribution of the Precious Blood at all liturgies until further notice.

Please observe the following:

If you are not feeling well, please stay at home.  You are not obligated to attend Mass if you are sick.

If you cough or sneeze, please cover your mouth and use hand sanitizer after.

Wash your hands often with soap and water to prevent the spreading of illnesses.

Please pray for those who are sick during this time.

For the latest information, visit Centers for Disease Control and Protection at