Tomorrow the Church celebrates one of those rare feasts in Lent: The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. The sound of the Gloria in this season is particularly striking. And you are permitted to eat meat this Friday in celebration of the feast.
If you can join us for Mass at 8:30 am or 5:30 pm, you will notice a genuflection during the Creed at the words, “and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.” This is to mark that this very event is represented in this feast and liturgy. We genuflect to note that this is the most pivotal change in history until the Resurrection. God truly became one of us to save us!
And Mary gives us the perfect model for prayer in this mystery: she is purely receptive and listening to God when she receives the greatest news ever given to humanity up to that point. Most of us are too active in our lives and in our prayer. In about a month, we will consider a new design for our Chapel of the Angels that will enhance our knowledge and love of the holy angels, who seek to bring good news to all of us. Pray to the Lord for the gift of silent listening to His voice that you might hear the words of love and affection that He is speaking to you.
That my joy may be in you, and your joy may be complete,