
Serving the Lord with a Generous Spirit

By Father Paul Shovelain,
Today we honor St. Martha who was known for serving the Lord generously! Thank you to the many volunteers who, like St. Martha, give so generously of themselves by serving in many, many ways here at SJB! She lived out of a generous spirit and showed care and concern for the Lord and his disciples while they were at her house. We pray that through the intercession of St. Martha, we may all live with a generous spirit and serve the Lord with joy and persistence.
This weekend we welcome Fr. Benny Mekkatt who will be presenting on the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception and their important ministry. See the video found below in the email about their ministry.
I will be up at Extreme Faith Camp at Trout Lake Camp this week along with Deacon Joseph, our youth minister Mikayla Anderson, other chaperones, and about 70 youth from SJB. Please pray for the Lord to work powerfully through the camp and touch the hearts of every participant. You will see a variety of priests helping out with Mass next week since I am away. Please warmly welcome them to SJB!