What’s in a name?
At a human level, one of the first and most long-lasting gifts, or burdens, parents give to their child is their name. God calls each one of us by name. Everyone’s name is sacred. The name is the icon of the person. It demands respect as a sign of dignity for the one who bears it.
A Baptismal Ceremony begins with the questions to the parents, “What name do you give your child?” This name is given before God, the Church, and your family and friends. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states the child’s name and God’s name are thereby eternally linked. The Sacrament itself is conferred, the grace is given at the words “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” In Baptism, God’s name sanctifies us and makes us holy and, in turn, the Christian receives his/her name from the Church. It can be the name of a church-recognized saint, or we hope that through your child, a new saint name will be born.
A saint is a person who was a faithful disciple of Jesus and lived a life of exemplary fidelity and heroic virtue. Choosing a saint name for your child’s name or choosing a patron saint for your child provides them a person in heaven who will be a friend to your child and will be dedicated to praying for them throughout their entire lives. It also can be an opportunity for your child to have another role model in living out the Christian faith.
(referenced Catechism of the Catholic Church 2156 and 2158)