
Third Week of Advent

December 16, 2021
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,

Change is upon us. Yesterday felt like April or May and today feels like the 3rd week of January which is typically the coldest week of the year (at least according to my brother-in-law, a farmer, who pays close attention to the weather:) So too in the church change is upon us. Something is happening. God is not leaving us in darkness but he is coming to bring us his light! He wants his light and love at Christmas to fully fill us. One way to make sure we are able to fully receive Christ is by receiving the mercy and love of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please see below for many opportunities to be Restored to Life through this Sacrament.

We are continuing to Restore our ministries and offerings here at SJB. I am excited that after a break last year, we will be having our School Christmas Concert tonight at 7 pm in the church. You are welcome to join us!

Covid Update
Please continue to pray for all health care workers and those who are ill. If you are sick, please stay home. We continue to livestream our daily Mass as well as our Saturday vigil Mass so that you can join us virtually. You are welcome to wear a mask if you feel more comfortable doing so. We will be live-streaming the Christmas Eve 4:00 pm Mass and Feast of the Holy Family (Sunday) 10:30 am Mass. We encourage you to use hand sanitizer on your way in and out of church. For those who prefer to social distance, we will have the pie sections at 6:00 pm Mass on Christmas Eve, as well as the 8:30 am Mass on Christmas Day set up for social distancing. We will also have areas set up in St. Joseph’s hall for social distancing at all of our Masses.  

As a further precaution, for the 6:00 pm, Mass on Christmas Eve and 8:30 am Mass on Christmas Day we are requiring all Ministers of Holy Communion to wear masks and highly encouraging other ministers at those particular Masses to wear masks as well. Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate through this challenging time. 

As the Father loves me, so I also love you,
Father Paul Shovelain