
Called Forth

January 5, 2023
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! The Christmas season runs through January 9, and it has been a white Christmas! Special thanks to our maintenance team and Fr. Joseph for moving snow to keep our ministries happening. I was able to take a break up north with my nieces and nephews this past weekend. The Lord blessed us with some really good weather and lots of fish! I hope you enjoy the fishing pics in the bulletin and this email.

The weather is cooperating this weekend for a great Journey to the Inn! The Lord is calling you forth to Bethlehem and I hope you can join us! I am planning on bringing two brand-new baby calves and two chickens from my sister’s farm. We also have parishioners bringing a donkey! It will be a fun lively stable! See details above.

A new event that I am working on organizing is an “Ice Fishing with Father Tournament” on January 21, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Long Lake. We will have awards for largest weight for panfish (Crappie/Sunfish) species, Largest weighed gamefish (Northern Pike, Largemouth Bass, and Walleye), and smallest panfish (Crappie/Sunfish) by length. I pre-fished the spot where the tournament will be with Fr. Joseph and Peter Romens on Tuesday night and we caught sunfish and crappies there! Here is the link to Register.

As the Father loves me, so I also love you,
Father Paul Shovelain