The weather is cooperating this weekend for a great Journey to the Inn! The Lord is calling you forth to Bethlehem and I hope you can join us! I am planning on bringing two brand-new baby calves and two chickens from my sister’s farm. We also have parishioners bringing a donkey! It will be a fun lively stable! See details above.
A new event that I am working on organizing is an “Ice Fishing with Father Tournament” on January 21, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Long Lake. We will have awards for largest weight for panfish (Crappie/Sunfish) species, Largest weighed gamefish (Northern Pike, Largemouth Bass, and Walleye), and smallest panfish (Crappie/Sunfish) by length. I pre-fished the spot where the tournament will be with Fr. Joseph and Peter Romens on Tuesday night and we caught sunfish and crappies there! Here is the link to Register.