To build on this foundation of faith that was established by generations before us, our parish will be conducting a planning study during the month of July that includes a comprehensive survey about some very important church and school projects, designed to help assure our long-term vitality as a parish community.
Your input will make a big difference so we can accurately determine the support we have for these projects. We seek to make wise and sound decisions and also desire unity as a parish family. Your participation will help us reach that goal.
Our parish leadership is partnering with the Steier Group, a recognized leader in Catholic fundraising, to assist us through this process. Parish trustees, commissions, and staff have been working hard, along with the team at Steier, to make preparations for conducting this critical survey. It all begins next week, following the July 4th holiday!
The survey will include a fact sheet detailing the projects we’re evaluating to help serve our parish family well, now and for future generations. There will be personal interviews, a mailing, email invitations, and an online survey. In other words, you will have ample opportunity to participate, and I invite you to join in this tremendous effort!
In addition to determining which projects resonate most with our church and school families, the survey will help identify volunteers who might serve as leaders in a possible capital campaign, and what issues or concerns we would need to address. The Steier Group will also provide a professional projection of what financial goal we could reasonably achieve if we were to move forward with a capital campaign.
Thank you in advance for relying on prayer and for living with a generous spirit as you reflect on the fact sheet and survey questions. Please know of my gratitude and prayers for you and your loved ones as we take this next step together, as a parish family, on our journey of faith.
As the Father loves me so I also love you,