At this time in the 122nd year of our parish, the Lord is calling us to follow up by restoring our campus so that we can further His kingdom. Just this past week we celebrated the 4th and 5th funerals of the year at SJB, bringing comfort to the families and praying our departed brothers and sisters into Heaven. We have served many local residents through our food shelf already this year. We helped four families have the necessary supplies for their infants and children through our Kidz Closet this past week. We continue to assist over 600 children and youth to encounter the Lord’s love and follow Him through our school and faith formation programs. We have celebrated the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick with twelve individuals in need of healing. Christ is meeting, loving, healing, guiding, and strengthening those who come through our doors here at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School. It is a joy and honor to be part of His work at this time. I invite you to join me in committing to following the Lord through our Restore to Gather Capital Campaign for St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School. With your support, we can restore our campus and further Christ’s kingdom.
Jesus not only called Peter, Andrew, James, and John to follow Him, but He also calls you and me. May we respond with a resounding, “Yes!” knowing that the Lord is working through each one of us here. He worked through the Apostles and He is working through you to reveal the Father’s love and Truth to our world, which so clearly needs it.