April 13, 2022
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,
Early Edition:
This week’s email is an Early Edition, and it reminds me of the TV show, Early Edition, which my family watched growing up. The main character would receive an early edition of the newspaper so he knew what was going to happen and then he would intervene to keep bad things from happening where possible. What happened if someone had an “Early Edition” newspaper for Holy Week? It almost feels like it now as we know what is going to happen. This past Sunday night, I attended the Living Stations at my home parish of St. Michael in St. Michael. The script and the scenes were basically the same as I remember over 25 years ago when I was part of the performance. Yes, some things had changed like most of the actors, but the overall script and lines of the actors were the same. Even in that familiarity, there was an awe and wonder. I was awed by the realistic-looking Jesus who had a massive black eye and many marks from the lashes. Of course, that was makeup, but still, it gave a sense of the true agony he went through. I wondered at the feelings that Mary, Simon, Veronica, and John felt on that awful day. What were they feeling and thinking? I wish I could intervene and tell them, “It’s going to be okay, Jesus will rise from the dead!” However, I cannot.
As you go through Holy Week and anticipate what will happen, I encourage you to pray for a new sense of wonder and awe during these powerful liturgies. God desires to “Restore you to Life” and take you deeper in your relationship with Him. Join us for these powerful liturgies and experience the love of a God in a new way.
My first weekend back in the parish was wonderful! It was great to reconnect with so many of you and I look forward to connecting and sharing with you some of the graces of my sabbatical in the upcoming weeks and months. I would like to thank Lee Treml and his team that has organized the beautiful liturgies of Holy Week! Palm Sunday was very moving, and I am certain the remaining liturgies this week will also be restorative and powerful.
Also, this is Father Doug’s last week with us here at St. John’s before he heads over to St. Hubert’s Parish in Chanhassen to be their Parochial Administrator. We have been blessed to have him here at SJB and will definitely miss him. Please keep him in your prayers on this new assignment. He will be assisting in some of the Triduum Liturgies, including his last Mass here which is Easter Sunday morning at 7:30 am. Please make a point to say goodbye and thank him for his dedicated service here at St. John’s!
As the Father loves me, so also I love you!

Father Paul Shovelain