January 20, 2021
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,
In today’s Gospel reading from Mark, “the crowd pressed in upon Jesus”. They pressed in so intensely that Jesus knew they might crush him so he asked his disciples to get a boat so he could teach from there. The crowd knew Jesus. They knew what he had to offer them. Each one knew he could heal them, so they came.
This weekend we have a particular opportunity to “press in” to Jesus. We can gather with our local pro-life community and pray at the Cathedral before heading to the 2022 March for Life at the Capitol grounds. As Catholics we know that prayer matters, the Lord listens, and things change. We know that God’s grace can heal our community of the culture of death and begin to move hearts back to a culture of life. This time of prayer at the Cathedral commemorates the 10’s of millions of lives lost and the men and women, children, and families that have been wounded by abortion. We pray for the end of abortion and for the right to life for all.
“Press-in” as we pray, walk and march with a unified voice. Join thousands of other Minnesotans as we speak for those who have no voice. It couldn’t be easier this year as all this happens on Saturday. No need for vacation time, no need to use PTO.
In Christ,
Jessica Balzarini
Director of Parish Life