January 27, 2022
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,
I hear daily about the importance of Catholic schools in an unlikely place—the hospital. Typically, it is from people who have lapsed in the practice of their faith. They will say, “I had twelve years of Catholic school.” This boast seems to qualify them as “catholic to the core,” despite anything else. And there is something right about that.
Catholic education seems to give us an indelible mark. And early Catholic education does this more than any, as the partnership between our parents and school helps our children learn to love Jesus and each other in the most crucial developmental years.
This week we celebrate our parish’s most important work: our school. And we are blessed to have our pastor, Fr. Paul, return to join in the festivities. We received permission to transfer the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul to this Sunday. “Conversion” literally means “turning around.” Though his sabbatical is full of refreshing activities, our Paul couldn’t resist turning around for this!
That my joy may be in you, and your joy may be complete,
Father Andy Jaspers
Parochial Administrator