September 15, 2022
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,

This Sunday is Catechetical Sunday where the universal church reflects on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. From this universal call, the parish community acknowledges and blesses those designated to serve in the work of evangelization in the Office of Discipleship and Mission (ODM), as well as our teachers and staff at our St. John the Baptist School and Preschool. In addition, we ask parents, the first and primary educators in the faith for their children, to receive the blessing. Together, we become Mission Partners and will form our youth in a life of discipleship.

The national theme this year is: “This is my body given for you”. The Eucharist encapsulates so well the proposal which Jesus makes to each of us. He wishes to make a gift of Himself in this Sacrament. A gift that is totally and without reservation to each of us. This is an invitation into a life of profound love, of mystery, and of deep challenge and adventure. This invitation invites a response of faith from us. Our Mission Partners respond by serving Jesus in witnessing the Kingdom of God to our youth. I invite all of our parish to respond as well to their baptismal call to be called forth to shine the love of Jesus Christ to others in whatever way you are led. Together, we can become a community that responds to our Lord’s invitation and in turn, share Christ to the world.


In Christ

Jill Fink
Director of Catechesis