It is the mission of the Worship Commission to provide direction and support for worship ministers and ministries in ways that increase, enhance and encourage active participation in worship by all members of the parish community.
Chair – Chris Seiple
Staff liaison – Lee Treml (651) 633-8333 ext. 1212
Committees and Ministries
- Altar Servers
- Baptism Lectors/Helpers
- Cantors
- Cross Bearers
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Greeters
- Lectors
- Sacristans
- Ushers
- Adult Choir
- Baptism Musicians
- Bell Choir
- Contemporary Ensemble
- Handbells
- Youth Music
- Festival Orchestra
Recent accomplishments of the Worship Commission:
- Began discussion on 50th Anniversary celebration
- Prepared write up/request for Pastor
- Brought forth concern for staffing of Welcome Desk when building is open
- Usher & Parish
- Safety training – needs and possibilities discussed
- Lighting
- Hymnals
- Demo of Hearing Loop, Safety, Security & Medical
- Presented concerns about safety and liability of East and West Ambulatory and South Sanctuary windows Continuing attention to safety, security, and medical emergency response and protocol
- Usher Vanguard
- Usher leadership team formed
- New collection baskets purchased, liners to match liturgical season
- New Usher badges purchased and distributed
- Mary and Joseph shrines in baptistry redone
- Backdrops reworked to create a finished background
- Votive candle stands and prie deux’s refinished
- Completed new handicap seating signage
- Working on proposal external sign with mass and confession times
- Helping to implement Flocknote as a parish communication tool