
Called Forth

January 26, 2023
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. John’s,

Please join me in protecting life by contacting your state senator and encouraging them to oppose the PRO Act. 

Our most vulnerable sisters and brothers need our help RIGHT NOW. The Minnesota Senate is expected to vote very soon on what’s called the “PRO Act.” Essentially, it’s a bill that works to enshrine into law an abortion regime that disregards prenatal life. The PRO Act is part of the most extreme abortion legislative agenda in Minnesota history. Our shepherd, Archbishop Bernard Hebda encourages you and me to contact our Minnesota Senator immediately and urge them to oppose the PRO Act. Find out how by clicking this link:

It is a sad day that this bill is even being considered and it shows that we have tremendous work to be done in building up a culture of life.Here at SJB, we desire to build a culture of life, and one way we do that is through our school. Praise God for the first time in many years, our Kindergarten is full. We have so many families that want their children to have a solid education, positively rooted in our Catholic faith. Please pray for our school as we continue to grow, that our students, families, teachers, and staff would take the next step on their journey of faith as the Lord calls them forth into deeper communion with Him. This Sunday we will be celebrating our Catholic School at the 10:30 am Mass. Join us as well for Waffles, between 9:00 am and 12:30 pm, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus who do tremendous work in supporting our school

The fishing tournament was a great success this past weekend. We all had a lot of fun and caught some fish! One trend I noticed is that all the winners attended the 8:30 am Mass, so perhaps all fishermen and women should go to the 8:30 am Mass if they want to catch big fish 🙂 Click here to see some pictures from the event.

As the Father loves me, so I also love you,
Father Paul Shovelain