By Fr. Paul Shovelain
The scripture readings this weekend focus on the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The Church refers to this weekend as Corpus Christi Sunday or The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist gives us hope and confidence that God continues to remain with us amid the uncertainties of life. He is faithful and I invite you to come and receive his love and his very life this weekend at Mass!
This weekend we had 3 Baptisms and 7 First Communions at the 10:30am Mass on Sunday. These children and parents have been working with Sister Leonarda to learn the Catholic faith. 3 of the 4 families are new families in our school this year and it is a joy to see such a clear way in which our school is helping others come to faith in Jesus Christ and his Church. I am grateful to all those who have helped our students on their faith journey.
I am grateful to have additional assistance this summer at SJB with the service of Deacon Joseph Nguyen and Ross Gillespie who is discerning a call to the diocesan priesthood. They are assisting in various capacities around SJB and helping the light of Christ to shine brightly to others. I am also grateful to announce that we have hired Melissa Berg to serve as our Hospitality Coordinator. She will help coordinate food at our various events and hospitality when we have it scheduled. We are still working on the weekends we will have it, but we hope to have a schedule of when it will be soon.
On June 11th and 12th we will have New Parishioner Welcome after each Mass. If you are new to the parish in the last 16 months or would just like a refresher on what SJB has to offer, please plan to attend. They will meet at the welcome desk after Mass and then go upstairs to room 206/208. I look forward to visiting with you there!