Capital Campaign

Pledge your Support Here

Make your Pledge Payment Here

To make a payment toward your pledge, select the button above which takes you to our main donation page.  Confirm that you are on the “One-time” tab to make a one-time payment, and select “Restore to Gather – Capital Campaign” for the fund.  Enter the amount and complete the form to submit your contribution.   You will receive a receipt via email for your gift.

If you wish to set up a recurring gift, choose the “Recurring” tab and complete the frequency of your gift along with the amount and other information, also selecting “Restore to Gather – Capital Campaign” for the fund.

If you have any questions, please contact Mary May in the parish office at 651-633-8333, ext. 1253 or email

The Restore to Gather Capital Campaign

Q. What are the goals of the Restore to Gather Campaign?
A. There are two main areas of focus for this campaign:
       1. Church improvements and repairs, which include:

          a. Restoring and refreshing the church ceiling
          b. Replacing the church HVAC system
          c. Upgrading the church sound system
          d. Repairing the stained-glass windows above the baptistry
          e. Refinishing the church pews
          f. Resurfacing the East parking lot
      2. School improvements and repairs, which include:
          a. Upgrading the school bathrooms
          b. Replacing the carpet in the school
          c. Installing a rubber playground surface
          d. Establishing a School Operations Endowment Fund

Q: What if we raise more than our campaign goal? How will that money be used?
A: Once we complete these important campus projects, we will direct funding to our current growing ministry needs. We will direct excess funds to support our growing school as well as pastoral care demands for our many homebound parishioners. This funding will help us further Christ’s kingdom in these two vital areas.

Q. Why are we addressing these projects and conducting this campaign now?
A. Over the past 5 years, we have completed many smaller campus improvements, from replacing light fixtures with energy-efficient LED fixtures to upgrading campus technology, to repurposing spaces to support growth in our preschool and grade school. It is now time to tackle some of the more major maintenance improvements that have become immediate facility needs.

Q: How will we fund these goals?
A: Our parish is in a healthy financial situation. We have been debt-free for four years and have a strong parish reserve fund. We are allocating our operations surplus from our most recent fiscal year of $197,700 to be the foundation of our fundraising effort. It is going to be a large endeavor and we will ask everyone to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial commitment to help restore our campus.

Q: Are the church projects separate from the school projects?
A: St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School is one united parish community. The school is a vital ministry of our parish, where we help young people grow in faith and virtue. We work collaboratively on many community events like FallFest, the All Saints Party, Journey to the Inn, and Wines to Wishes. We gather in shared facilities for activities like faith formation, Sunday school, celebration of Sacraments, and more. These events and many others bring church and school together. As we work to achieve our campaign goals, we envision strengthening our entire community.