Becoming Catholic OCIA

The pathway for adults to be received into the Church.

What is “Becoming Catholic OCIA”?

The Catholic Church warmly welcomes your interest in becoming Catholic. God has been at work in your life and we welcome your journey of faith. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process by which adult men and women are initiated into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Following faith development, the process spans four periods of discovery and discernment with rites of celebration. Prior to initiation, participants receive Catechetical instruction, Scripture reflection, faith sharing, prayer, and liturgical rites aimed at helping participants be strengthened spiritually and at the proper time receive the sacraments fruitfully. OCIA is available for adults who are not baptized in the Christian faith but also suitable for baptized adults who desire to join the Catholic Church, and for Catholic adults who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation.

Sessions meet weekly from mid-September until after Easter on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm in room 206.  An OCIA team leads the group in catechetical instruction using the Symbolon video resource, large group, and small group discussion, prayer, and Catholic identity understanding. A sponsor to accompany adults on this journey of faith.

OCIA is short for Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is the process provided by the church to those who are interested in converting to Catholicism, are unbaptized and who are beyond the age of reason (age 7). The Rites themselves also give a place for those who are seeking full communion of the Catholic Church. Those seeking full communion would be those baptized, Catholic and non-Catholic, who have not been catechized and who have yet to receive Eucharist and Confirmation.

As with the reception of any sacraments, there is a process the Church puts forth as preparation for individuals as they work towards receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and/or Confirmation, thus becoming a fully initiated Catholic.

Here are some examples of those who will be served through our Becoming Catholic the OCIA process.

  1. The unbaptized
  2. Those who have been baptized in another Christian faith
  3. Catholics who have been baptized and have not received Confession, Eucharist, and/or Confirmation

The first step of the process is to do a meet and greet with Jill Fink, Director of Catechesis, This is an initial meeting to get to know the potential candidates and to talk about the process and expectations.